Thursday 28 February, 2008

"For where there is True Love, a man is neither out of measure lifted up by prosperity, nor cast down by mishap : whether you give or take away from him.
So long as he keeps his beloved, he has a spring of inward peace.
Thus, even though thy outward man grieve or weep downright, that may well be borne, if only thy inner man remain at peace, perfectly content with the Will of God."

Johannes Tauler


Dipti said...

Dear Sister Krishna .. such a wonderful thought..and how true .. thanks much for sharing

akash said...

It is true , dear krishna that love in it's truest and deepest form is the only force that can make a world of lasting beauty .

Seeds are here within us , in our thoughts , in small thoughtful and loving acts .

Thank you , dear friend ,

Krishna. N. C. said...

My dearest Dipti and Akash,
Thank you so much for your kind words..You both symbolise Love and beauty to me:))
Keep shining and evolving my sweet souls!
Hugs and prayers for you both :)